dUCKS scéno & ENSATT: a story of transmission

Since their first collaboration, dUCKS scéno and ENSATT have cultivated a bond, combining expertise in architectural projects and training for future professionals in the field of scenography. Together, these two entities are pursuing a common goal: to pass on the expertise inherent in the profession of scenographer and technical director for the performing arts. A look back at the history of this collaboration.
2 entities, 1 common goal
dUCKS scéno
Founded in 1992, dUCKS scéno is a multi-disciplinary scenography agency that combines innovation and technical expertise with an attention to the architecture and context of each project. In recent years, the agency has established itself as one of the most dynamic in the fields of scenography and museography. Since its creation, it has collaborated with renowned architects as well as emerging agencies, and has completed over a thousand scenographic and museographic projects, both public and private, in France and abroad, particularly in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Today, the cooperative company relies on the talent and passion of more than twenty partners.
École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre (ENSATT)
ENSATT, formerly the École de la rue Blanche, founded in Paris over 70 years ago, is a unique theatre school in Europe, established in Lyon in 1997. It offers intensive training leading to a diploma in all aspects of the performing arts through ten courses: Acting, Performing Arts Administration, Costume Workshop, Costume Design, Lighting Design, Sound Design, Technical Direction, Playwriting, Directing and Scenography. The teachers, all working professionals, share their expertise and their questions.
The school offers a three-year course in scenography. The department’s projects, whether fictional or real, are cross-disciplinary and work closely with the directing, writing, lighting, sound and costume departments. Mastering theatrical scenography at ENSATT requires a variety of skills: knowledge of the stage and machinery, drawing, architecture, sculpture, painting, dramaturgy and theatre history. The course specialises in the design of scenic spaces for live performance, covering theatre, dance, opera, as well as puppet and object shows. The programme encourages artistic and reflective exchanges with the school’s other courses, enriched by the expertise of teachers, most of whom come from the theatre. It considers the evolution of stage techniques and languages, professional requirements, and focuses on research and innovation.
The collaboration between dUCKS scéno and ENSATT
A project at the origin of the meeting
The École Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Techniques du Théâtre (ENSATT) was originally founded in Paris. However, in the 1990s, the school moved to Lyon to pursue its development. ENSATT, known for its training in a variety of performing arts professions, moved to Lyon, near the Basilica of Fourvière. The construction project for the new ENSATT building was entrusted to architect Munteanu and scenographer Michel Cova from dUCKS scéno. The scenographic design of the new building was carried out by dUCKS scéno. Today, the establishment includes a blackbox and a theatre, and was extended in 2008 under the same architectural direction and with the ongoing collaboration of dUCKS scéno.
Creation of the ‘scenography’ course by ENSATT
In the early 2000s, ENSATT realised the need to train qualified professionals for the technical direction of live performances. In response to a growing demand from the sector, ENSATT launched a new specialised course in this field. The aim of this initiative was to fill the skills gap in safety and management in the theatre.
To complement this training, ENSATT collaborated with INSA Lyon, an engineering school, to create an innovative curriculum combining engineering and technical management for the performing arts. The programme, inaugurated in 2002, is structured as a one-year master’s degree and trains professionals capable of managing the complex technical aspects of live performance. Several employees of dUCKS scéno, including Willy Pestel and Clément Dreano, were trained via this master’s programme and joined the dUCKS scéno agency after graduating.
A link preserved
dUCKS scéno has maintained close links with ENSATT over the years. Alain Girot, head of training, has regularly called on the agency’s expertise for specific projects. Willy Pestel and Clément Dréano, both ENSATT engineering graduates and project managers at dUCKS scéno, now act as trainers. Willy runs a week-long module on project management and public contracting, training students in the challenges of construction work. For his part, Clément Dréano runs a three-day session on stage machinery every year, bringing students up to speed, particularly those with non-specialist training in live performance. The session also covers the regulatory aspects that are essential for professional practice.
In this way, the collaboration between dUCKS scéno and ENSATT has not only contributed to the training of many professionals in the performing arts, but has also strengthened the links between architecture, scenography and engineering in this field.
Impact of collaboration
dUCKS scéno actively maintains a network of professionals of possible interest to them. By explaining its core business to students and presenting dUCKS scéno, the agency encourages the creation of a mutually beneficial network. It allows them to discover an area of expertise while possibly spotting profiles of interest to the agency.
This link also keeps us in touch with the realities of the work. By regularly taking part in ENSATT’s activities, the teams meet students, teachers and other contributors, which enables them to keep informed of technical developments, political changes and movements within the theatres’ general management. In this way, they maintain a strong link with the profession, staying close to people who may become potential future clients.
For its part, dUCKS scéno brings ENSATT its expertise in areas where its know-how is recognised. For nearly 20 years, they have been working on the same modules, helping to draw up grading and evaluation programmes, and offering role-playing and case studies.
At dUCKS scéno, one of our key values is sharing, with a real desire to pass on our expertise!