dUCKS scéno: on track for Italy!

It was only recently, in 2023, that dUCKS scéno officially embarked on a bold undertaking: the expansion of its commercial activities in Italy.

It was only recently, in 2023, that dUCKS scéno officially embarked on a bold undertaking: the expansion of its commercial activities in Italy. For several years, the company had identified a growth opportunity offered by this dynamic market. The geographical proximity, as well as the close cultural links, have strengthened dUCKS scéno’s belief in the potential of this region. Isabelle Serré, in charge of business development, talks to us about this project.


Italy: a key market for scenography

 Since 2022, dUCKS scéno has been developing its commercial activities in Italy, guided by an exciting opportunity. “Working closely with Bianca, an Italian architect who works in our Paris office, we quickly identified growth opportunities in this neighbouring market,” says Isabelle. “The proximity of the country, combined with our similarities in terms of art and culture, convinced us to explore this region,” she adds. dUCKS scéno had already participated in a number of competitions in the country, giving them a foothold in exciting Italian projects.

Another argument, and not the least: Italy has a rich history in the design of sets and stage machinery, offering an undeniable opportunity for the company. “In fact, this sector of activity has always been linked to Italy, which appears to be the ‘cradle’ of everything to do with theatre and culture.”

It then became clear that there was a particular need in the Italian market for their area of expertise, particularly in the field of scenography, which is often neglected outside of exhibitions. “It became clear that our physical presence was essential to present our work and share our expertise.”


A collaborative approach above all

 “Our approach is, of course, collaborative rather than competitive. We position ourselves as partners, offering our technical expertise to optimise the projects of our Italian clients,” explains Isabelle. “The aim is to help architects identify the most appropriate solutions for future operations, and to integrate them into the architectural concept. Our job is to identify the specific features of each type of building and to put in place appropriate solutions, whether they concern access or circulation, or the need for additional loads under a structure! ”

The role of the scenographers can go as far as helping clients to find a functional identity in harmony with the architectural identity. “We take it one small step at a time. Once again our aim is not to decide what needs to be done, but rather to build it together.”

A breeding ground for inspiration and collaboration

 “Since 2023, we’ve been closely monitoring developments in the Italian market, and in 2024 we plan to meet with various local players, such as architects, design offices and cultural institutions, in order to develop fruitful collaborations,” she adds. “With Italy, everything is very fluid!”. Discovering local architects is also a driving force for the dUCKS scéno teams. Isabelle cites the example of Alfonso Femia. “Through a number of projects in collaboration with Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia, it was they who, among other things, gave us the push to go further with Italy.” The most notable of these is the renovation of the Mint Museum in Rome. With over 11,300 m2 of floor space to rethink and restructure, this major project gave them the opportunity to explore the Italian environment. The agency is also working with the Italian firm on the project to restore and create the Villa Créative at the University of Avignon, and on the renovation of the Ecole Centrale de Marseille (MC2).


Although there are no medium-term plans to open a local agency, the ambition is to raise awareness of all the facets of scenography, promote their profession and establish long-term partnerships, while exploring the opportunities offered by the Italian cultural scene.