dUCKS scéno in Villeurbanne

dUCKS scéno came to Villeurbanne in 2007, but it wasn’t just an opportunity…

Photo: Fête Du Livre Jeunesse, Villeurbanne, France


dUCKS scéno came to Villeurbanne in 2007, but it wasn’t just an opportunity…

Having the Théâtre National Populaire just a stone’s throw away from our office reminded some of us of our deep roots in Villeurbanne and the time spent on stage, or in the production workshops.

This connection was confirmed when Gérard Picot proposed to dUCKS scéno a scenographic collaboration for the Villeurbanne Children’s Book Festival, which he had been passionately organizing since the first edition in 2000 ! We responded immediately, charmed by the character and the project.

Our first year consisted in absorbing the scenography of the Raphael de Barros sports hall in terms of public reception, required flow, and technical possibilities for scenographic layout. To mark the environment of the Book, the pieces of furniture was designed in cardboard and large Kakemono-bookmarks demarcated the space. Then, year after year, we worked on the outdoor space to make it part of this unique experience.

This patronage work has above all allowed us to support Gérard in his quest to offer Villeurbanne and everyone, a children’s book fair worthy of the greatest, with different themes for each edition, and in the presence of around sixty authors and illustrators.

This also served to remind the Palais des sports de Villeurbanne of its years of versatility during which young people from Villeurbanne in the 80s came not only to see sport but also concerts and crazy and innovative shows like a fashion show in Fenwick throughout the entire volume of the hall !

The integration of dUCKS scéno into its Villeurbanne environment is such that one of our partners has been a town councillor of Villeurbanne for several years.

We are delighted with this destination, with which we now share its architectural and cultural history.